J Krishnamurti

The work of J Krishnamurti (1895-1986) has been of particular relevance to the teachers of the school both in their own lives and in their concerns about education. In his writings and talks to audiences all over the world, Krishnamurti emphasized the need for a fundamental transformation in human consciousness. The turmoil in our relationships and in the world is a reflection of our self-centredness and our confused attempts to escape pain and suffering. Without this transformation, he felt that there was no possibility of lasting peace and freedom for the individual or for society.

Krishnamurti was probably unique among seers in his unequivocal rejection of religious and spiritual authority. He refused to be cast as the guru, demanding instead that each one of us be “a light unto oneself”. He rejected method and practice, pointing out that these implied psychological time and a false sense of becoming. He spoke of the possibility of a choiceless awareness in the present that makes no effort to change or transform.

Krishnamurti felt that education has a central role to play in nurturing a living awareness in the student and the teacher. The Krishnamurti Foundations set up many schools in India, America, and the UK and the teachings have been the inspiration for many others over the decades.

The online repository of the  teachings of J. Krishnamurti can be found at www.jkrishnamurti.org.